Tuesday, July 24, 2012

A review of PE2011 - A desire to reconcile

PE2011 saw a major turning point of sorts in our political history, giving us significant positive and negative impacts. For positive ones, which will not be the main concern here, we have seen a seeming opening up in terms of the criteria for presidential candidacy, terms of which if gracefully adhered to for future polls, would allow our political landscape to be far more vibrant and inclusive. We have, however, also seen negative effects arising from the PE2011. Think about it, have we fallen into a form of setback in terms of our rigour and unity, post-PE2011? Although having differing views cannot be said to be a 'bad' thing, as we cannot always agree on everything, but were the conflicting views expressed constructive, rational and harmonious?

The 4 presidential candidates for PE2011. Image taken from  http://www.sgpolitics.net/?p=7121 
Finger-pointing, blaming the other camp for their candidate's loss are just some of the things we see, right after PE2011. I do understand people's frustrations, but to break ties because of this - (http://www.sgpolitics.net/?p=7121) - is that not taking things a bit too far off?

Although these divisions are all to be accepted as part of freedom of choice and expression, there could be rogue forces going out to feed on these divisions and create discord and disunity among the (supposed) "Opposition supporters" (although I do not really see this as a 'fixed' or generic group of people).

Already we see 'white' moles going about spreading emotional 'takes' about TJS/TKL supporters "spoiling it" for TCB. For example, during the 2012 Hougang by-election, someone by the moniker of "John Tan" tried to stir up feelings by posting on Png Eng Huat's wall that Png was the one who supported Tan Kin Lian (and so decreased the chances of TCB winning). (Note: This "John Tan", who had adopted names like "John Tan Ku Ku" and "Tan Ku Ku", was attacking TCB before the BE was called; he apparently belongs to an over-zealous group of strong anti-opposition and anti-non-PAP and anti-ex-PAP apologists. By the way, known anti-non-PAP, pro-PAP Fabrications About the PAP also posted the exact same message as "John Tan" here: http://www.facebook.com/FabricationsAboutThePAP/posts/407403472625824) More of such examples are to be expected; and not just from PAP 'moles', but even true-blue Opposition supporters as well - real persons who have been misled.

We have had enough dampening of mood since PE2011. Not only had our least preferred candidate won, the shutdown of popular socio-political blog, Temasek Review Emeritus shortly before the PE polling day, which continued for months, about three, to be specific - unlike previous short blackouts - gave a major dent to the collective voice of the resenting and dissenting people. Even until today, TR Emeritus, the reincarnation of the old one, struggles to live up to old vibrancy, and to maintain the site in working order. Who do we thank for that? The wife of our Prime Minister? (For those who do not know: http://www.tremeritus.com/2010/10/26/the-hidden-agenda-of-temsek-holdings/, http://www.tremeritus.com/2012/02/21/hard-landing-tr-emeritus-welcomed-into-the-open-with-defamation-threat/)

So I believe it to be paramount for us to clear out uncertainties, iron out differences, and agree to disagree when those cannot be resolved. To this end, I have created a discussion group on Facebook, here: http://www.facebook.com/groups/181305681997049/

Readers may feel free to join this group and add their interested and/or still disillusioned friends to the group.

It would be a place where:

Readers here can feel free to share what you feel about all three (or four, if you want to post about Tony Tan) presidential candidates for PE2011 for everyone else to see. Discussion is also free and open; feel free to explain why you have decided to vote and support TCB/TJS/TKL, or rather why you chose not to support a particular candidate. Remember to be sensitive, though, when posting and commenting, and not to allow any discussion to become a fight between people with different perspectives and end up becoming more divided/polarized, or should I say, more "unhappy" (it is okay, I feel, to have differences; but not okay to feel "unhappy" with fellow well-intending folks in the camp for change - that's unhealthy for and detrimental to our road to change). We have seen too many past bad experiences to want to see anymore of them. Former friends, allies have argued with each other, and in some cases, even parted ways because PE2011. (You must admire the Pappies!) We are here to mend ties!

Remember that I have thought about it before creating this group and am taking a risk, but feel that it is a worthy risk to take, without which, the discussion of PE2011 would not be sufficient, and could, as a result, lead to future deadlocks in the cause of our politics for change, due to unresolved, sometimes petty, misunderstandings.

For this discussion to be successful, however, there needs to be a high level of freedom in expressing your views, and at the same time, a high level of caution in not offending and stirring up negative emotions. Users are hence advised to exercise high discretion.

See you there!

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